Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

Aquatic therapy allows patients to improve their mobility, strength, and function due to buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure, and water resistance. Many patients cannot tolerate land-based exercises at the beginning of their rehab program, so aquatic therapy is an excellent choice to begin the implementation of their plan of care.

Aquatic Therapy FAQs

What Are the Causes?

  • Degenerative Joint Diseases
  • Spine Dysfunctions
  • Arthritis
  • Post Orthopedic Surgeries
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Non-weight Bearing Restrictions
  • Joint Replacements
  • Pregnancy
  • Swelling

What Are the Symptoms?

The buoyancy of the water allows for decreased loading on joints, which enables patients to tolerate exercises without as much joint irritation and pain. The hydrostatic pressure assists with swelling as this produces compression forces around the affected area to assist in the reduction of the swelling. The resistance provided by the water allows for efficient strengthening, range of motion, and gait training. Some of the many common symptoms that aquatic therapy can address include:

  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Balance Deficits
  • Gait Deviations
  • Decreased Cardiovascular Function 
  • Decreased Range of Motion
  • Weakness
  • Decreased Endurance

What Can I Expect in PT?

Your therapist will perform a thorough evaluation at your initial appointment, considering your medical history and specific goals. A care plan, which may be a combination of aquatic therapy and land-based treatment or just solely aquatic therapy, will be developed. You will meet your therapist at the warm water therapy pool to begin your aquatic therapy session. Your therapist will treat you directly throughout your aquatic session and provide you with the appropriate level of assistance. Aquatic therapy is an exercise in the water, specifically emphasizing rehabilitation. This is different than swimming, so your inability to swim does not alter what activities you can perform in the water. We will provide the appropriate level of assistance for each patient in the aquatics program.

Why Should I Choose You for Physical Therapy?

Our dedicated team of therapists strives to provide you with the excellence and care needed to help you attain your goals. Aquatic therapy is highly valued, with patients needing specialized care due to their condition or illnesses. Our therapists have been specifically trained to provide you with care in an aquatic environment and to establish the reasoning and goals for choosing this form of rehabilitation. We are sensitive to those patients who are fearful of the water and will provide hands-on care. We want you to be comfortable so you will excel in your treatment environment and reach your goals.

Get in touch regarding aquatic therapy. 

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