

Pelvic organ prolapse is a very common issue among women throughout their lifetime. It is the descent of one or more of the pelvic structures, including but not limited to your bladder, vagina, rectum, and uterus.

Prolapse FAQs

What Are the Causes?

Some of the common causes and risk factors are:

  • Childbirth
  • Age 
  • Pelvic Surgery
  • Decreased Muscle Strength
  • Chronic Coughing
  • Obesity
  • Constipation
  • Increased Intra-Abdominal Pressure
  • Repeated Heavy Lifting

What Are the Symptoms?

Symptoms of a pelvic prolapse vary from case to case. The most common symptoms include:

  • Heaviness in the Vagina and Rectum
  • Pain in the Vagina and Rectum
  • The Feeling of the Organs "Falling Out" of the Vagina
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Difficulty Having a Bowel Movement or Difficulty With Urination
  • Painful Intercourse

What Can I Expect in PT?

Initially, we will discuss your symptoms, past medical history, and goals with your therapist. With this information and medical history, a musculoskeletal examination will be performed to evaluate any spine or extremity dysfunctions that may also be a contributing factor. Then, we will discuss in detail some common causes that make the prolapse worse and ways to avoid/improve prolapse. Once this information is obtained from the orthopedic evaluation and we discussed the educational information, the next step is often a pelvic floor examination. We know this may be intimidating, so your comfort is our utmost concern through this evaluation. Upon your consent, an examination will be performed to evaluate your pelvic floor. This examination will determine if there is a prolapse and the location of the prolapse, as well as the degree of laxity. The examination will determine high or low muscle tone, connective tissue restrictions, symmetry or asymmetry of the pelvic floor, hypersensitivity issues, and the pelvic floor's musculoskeletal integrity. All of the information gained from your initial appointment and your goals will be used to map a plan of care to resolve your issues. Education is of the utmost importance! Our therapists feel it is very important for you to understand the causes and ways to avoid prolapse. We welcome questions and strive to provide a professional and safe environment where you can take the next step to attain your goals.

Why Should I Choose You for Physical Therapy?

Our therapists specialize in issues dealing with the pelvis, pelvic floor, and surrounding anatomy. They have undergone advanced training to provide you with a holistic approach to understanding and treating your issues rather than only treating your symptoms. Our therapists encompass compassion, dedication, great listening skills, and commitment to alleviating your symptoms while maintaining the highest standards of privacy and respect.

Get in touch regarding prolapse. 

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